Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's Raining!

Jonathon and I are at my brother's house watching his two kids while he and his wife are on vacation. I got the kids to bed tonight and Jonathon in the shower. Pretty soon my nephew comes into the bedroom and says "Jonathon's laugh is so loud. I can't sleep." He was correct, Jonathon was hysterically laughing while taking his shower. I decided if I wanted the kids to get to sleep I better go check on Jonathon.

When I walked into the bathroom it was quite obvious WHY Jonathon was laughing so hard. The  shower head is a removable one, the kind with a hose on it so you can SPRAY it wherever you want... Jonathon's area of choice to spray... the bathroom ceiling! When he saw me he let out a huge laugh and said "did I make it rain in the bathroom?!"

UGH!  Looks like I get to wipe down my brother's bathroom from ceiling to floor!

Note to self... NEVER, EVER, EVER, buy a removable shower head for our bathrooms!!

1 comment:

  1. Lmao! !! I can laugh as my son literally just did this 2 wks ago.... Repeating over and over ' it raining it raining' !!! Note to self, ' replace shower head BEFORE he's old enough to reach it on his own! ( sister let him have it this time). ;)

    Kellee S
