I've never been a person who expects gifts, flowers, etc... on any holiday. I prefer, that on a random day out of the year, someone who was thinking of me, decided to tell or show me.
The best random sentiment of love I received from Jonathon occurred years ago. He was seven at the time with barely any of his own language. His communication was what we call his "movie talk" or echolalia - repeating movie lines he's previously heard.
I was in the kitchen washing dishes so I could keep an eye on him out the window while he played in the backyard. I don't remember the back door opening, I must have been lost in my thoughts. Suddenly, Jonathon had come up behind me, wrapped his little arms around my waist and clearly said "I love you." Before I could turn around and sweep him up in my arms and tell him that I loved him too, he was gone.
I often wondered, what happened in those moments that enabled him to seek me out and tell me, in his own words, that he loved me. Yet, it doesn't matter what happened, but that it did happen.
A precious memory to hold on to! Thank God for our memories.