Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I have met many parents over the years who refuse to talk to others about their lives with their children who have autism. I know there are people who think I share too much regarding the life we have with Jonathon. The reason I do share our lives is for Jonathon. I don't think remaining silent, hiding the truths of living in our world do Jonathon any good.
It is my responsibility to educate the people in Jonathon's world about autism, his struggles, his achievements, his life. By not sharing him with others, I feel, it implies shame, embarrassment, that we are not accepting of our lives with him and who he is as a person. There is nothing to be ashamed of for who he is, which is my son who happens to have autism. We have definitely had embarrassing moments, but who doesn't have embarrassing moments with any child, whether they have autism or not. I consider myself very blessed to be Jonathon's Mom.  
Jonathon doesn't understand this world, but he has to live in this world. If, by speaking up and sharing the events that occur in our lives with him, I can make the world a more accepting place for him to live in then I am going to do it. My intentions are never to take away his dignity, but to educate others.  


  1. I want to thank you for sharing him and your life with him with us. Your knowledge and incite should be welcomed and by no means do I think sharing such information takes anyone's dignity away. As you said I think it helps us see the person he truly is.

    I'm also glad to know that I'm not in this boat alone. And even though I've just started out on this voyage(my boys are 4 & 6)and my ocean may not be like yours it's nice to know that someone has made it part way and still have most of there sanity left.

    You do have most of your sanity left right?
    (I hope you said yes):)

    Again, thanks for sharing.

  2. LOL Teresa! My sanity??? I guess that depends on who you ask as to how much I have left! :) Stay strong!!
